Courses and Higher Education Institutions

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2 Courses, 1 Higher Education Instituions
Institution: Universidade da Beira Interior
Course: Fashion Design
District: Castelo Branco
Type of education: University
Type of HEI: Public
Type of Course: 2º cycle - Mestrado

Universidade da Beira Interior

Legal diplomas
Address: Convento de Sto. António, 6201-001, COVILHÃ
Phone Number: 275319700
Fax: 275319057

2º cycle - Mestrado

Branding and Fashion Design
General Information
120 ECTS | 4 Semestres | CNAEF 214 Design | Code: M395
Held in association with: Universidade Europeia
Degree: Mestre
Accreditation and registry
Com Acreditação in 2023, por 6 anos | Fixed limit of vacancies: 25
Initial registry: R/A-Cr 122/2010 from 25-08-2010
Changes registry:
R/A-Cr 122/2010/AL01 de 02-10-2014 | R/A-Cr 122/2010/AL02 de 07-09-2016 | R/A-Cr 122/2010/AL03 de 01-09-2023
Fashion Design
General Information
120 ECTS | 4 Semestres | CNAEF 214 Design | Code: 9518
Degree: Mestre
Accreditation and registry
Com Acreditação in 2023, por 6 anos | Fixed limit of vacancies: 30
Initial registry: R/A-Ef 1324/2011 from 18-03-2011
Changes registry:
R/A-Ef 1324/2011/AL01 de 02-09-2016 | R/A-Ef 1324/2011/AL02 de 23-08-2023