5th ASEM Education Ministers' Meeting (ASEMME5)


On the 26th and 27th of April 2015, the 5th Meeting of Ministers of Education from the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) took place in Riga, Latvia under the theme “ASEM Education Collaboration for Results”. The event gathered 46 ASEM members and 11 stakeholders, including the Portuguese Minister for Education and Science, Prof. Nuno Crato and a member of the Portuguese Directorate General for Higher Education. Participants at ASEMME5 aimed to ensure a forward-looking dialogue on strengthening cooperation between Asia and Europe.

The Ministers the Conclusions by the Chair, namely the establishment of a 2 Pillar system (Pillar 1 – dialogue-oriented cooperation; Pillar 2 – result-oriented cooperation) and around 20 accomplished or partially accomplished ASEM education activities as well as 15 developed around the 4 ASEM main areas for cooperation defined in 2011 (ASEMME3):

  1. quality assurance and recognition;
  2. engaging business and industry in education;
  3. balanced mobility;
  4. lifelong learning including technical and vocational education and training.

The Conclusions have, additionally,  two important annexes:

  1. Future ASEM Education Initiatives
  2. Policy Recommendations developed by the Rectors and the Students during the 4th ASEM Rectors’ Conference (ARC4) and Students’ Forum.

For more information: http://www.aseminfoboard.org/events/5th-asem-education-ministers-meeting-asem-me5