ENIC/NARIC Annual Meeting


The Annual NARIC Network Meeting was held at Charles University in Prague on the 17th - 19th June 2018 organized by the European Commission, Council of Europe, UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, with more than 140 participants.

The core topics addressed at the meeting focused on: social responsibility of higher education institutions, the development of the European Area of Education; implementation of Bologna Process, Recommendation from the European Commission on mutual automatic recognition of qualifications, automatic academic recognition of qualifications and practices of evaluation of qualifications held by refugees.

At the special session on automatic academic recognition, Ana Mateus, from DGES/PT ENIC/NARIC presented the results of the project funded by the EC, Paradigms, focusing on the Portuguese case study on automatic recognition, highlighting the main principals of Decree-Law 341/2007 and Ministerial Order 227/2017, that introduced the single registration process for foreign academic degrees, aiming at simplifying administrative procedures through an electronic centralized management platform and also presented the main proposals on debate in 2018 for legal changes in what concerns recognition of higher education degrees and diplomas in Portugal.

The next meeting of ENIC-NARIC National Recognition Centres Networks will take place in June 2019 in Cologne, Germany.