Bologna Process Ministerial Conference

The 9th Bologna Process Ministerial Conference and the 4th Forum on Bologna Policy took place on the 14th and 15th May 2015, in Yerevan, Armenia. The meeting was attended by representatives from 48 countries, including Portugal, whose delegation was led by Secretary of State for Higher Education, as well as advisory members, observers and guests of the host country.

At the Conference ministers and representatives of States discussed the documents produced between 2012 and 2015 by the working groups, which had the continuous monitoring of the Bologna Follow-Up Group and the representation of the States.

The documents approved were “The Report on the Implementation of the Bologna Process”; “The Bologna Process Revisited: the Future of the European Higher Education Area”; the “Yerevan Ministerial Communiqué” and the “Fourth Bologna Policy Forum Statement”.

During de Conference, the main topics discussed were the current context of the European Higher Education Area, Degrees and Higher Education Qualifications, Degree system in different countries, Bologna tools, Academic Recognition systems, Quality Assurance systems, Social Dimension in Higher Education, Lifelong Learning Life, Employment, Internationalization and Mobility.

The Conference resulted in a commitment of the participating States to work collectively in order to meet the challenges of Higher Education by 2018, date of the next Ministerial Conference.

The documents discussed are available for consultation on the Conference website: