ENIC/NARIC International Projects

The Portuguese ENIC/NARIC Center is, once again, one of the partners of two European consortiums that submitted projects for funding by the European Union, under Action 3 of the Erasmus + program. Both projects were widely praised by the European Commission and selected for funding.

The first project, called FRAUDOC - Guidelines on Diploma Mills and Document Fraud for Credential Evaluators, aims to understand the “state of the art” of existing measures for the verification of fake degrees and/or non-accredited institutions. Subsequently, the project also aims to improve and/or create technical measures for the verification of documents, assuring greater security and reliability to credential evaluators and establishing anti-fraud mechanisms.

This project will last for 24 months (its kick-off took place last March) and is coordinated by the Italian ENIC/NARIC Center. In addition to Portugal, it also counts with the participation of the following ENIC/NARIC Centers: Belgium (Flanders), Denmark, Estonia and Sweden. Three other Centers were invited as non-formal partners: Canada, New Zealand and United States.

The second project is called New Paradigms: Automatic Recognition and Evaluation of Competences and will address a controversial and up trending topic for most countries, on the agenda of many recent work meetings about the recognition of foreign qualifications - automatic recognition. Having in mind the Portuguese experience, through the implementation of a so-called "automatic" recognition system, under Decree-Law No. 341/2007 of 12 October, Portugal belongs to the core team of this project.

This project will also last for 24 months, having started on the 1st of March, and will be coordinated by EP-NUFFIC from the Netherlands.